Friday, July 25, 2014


  1. That's sick, so cool! How long did it take to do this one?

  2. Wow. I'd like that as a poster.

  3. That is so awesome. I would love to have that (or any of your drawings) on the wall in my living room, but it would take me years to do something like that...

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    Life Partner Status In Hindi

    Ishq mohabbat to sab karte hai,
    gam-a-judai se sab darte hai,
    hum to ishq karte ha na to mahabbat,
    hum to bas aapki ek mushkurahat pane ke liye taraste hai.

    Life Partner Status In English

    Udas nahi hona kyon ki main saath hoon,
    Saamne na sahi par aas-paas hoon,
    Palkon ko band kar jab bhi dil mein dekhoge,
    Main har pal tumhare sath hu!

    Life Partner Status

    Tere Bina Tutkar Bikhar Jayenge,
    Tum Mil Gaye To Gulshan Ki Tarah Khil Jayenge,
    Tum Na Mile To Jite Ji Mar Jayenge,
    Tumhe Paa Liya To Markar Bhi Jee Jayenge.

    Love shayari in english

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    Hajaar Raaton Mein Woh Ek Raat Hoti Hai,
    Nigah Uthakar Jab Dekhte Hain Woh Meri Taraf,
    Mere Liye Wohi Pal Poori Kaaynat Hoti Hai.

    Love shayari in Hindi

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    Raat Hoti Hai To Aakho Me Utar Aata Hai,
    Main Us Ke Khayalo Se Bach Ke Kahan Jaaun,
    Wo Meri Soch Ke Har Raste Pe Najar Aata Hai.

    Sad Love shayari in Hindi

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    Kya Ajeeb Silsila Tha,
    Apna Banaya Bhi Nahi Aur,
    Kisi Ka Hone Bhi Na Diya.

    Hurt Shayari

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    Faasle To Bahot Hain Magar Mohabbat Kam Nahi Hoti.

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    Apni Najron Mein Basaa Kar Na Girana Mujhe,
    Tumko Aankhon Mein Tasawwur Ki Tarah Rakhta Hoon,
    Dil Mein Dhadkan Ki Tarah Tum Bhi Basana Mujhe.

    Loyal Quote In Hindi

    Kabhi Sambhle Toh Kabhi Bikhar Gaye,
    Ab Toh Khud Mein Hi Simat Gaye Hum,
    Yun Toh Jamana Khareed Nahi Sakta Hamein,
    Magar Pyaar Ke Do Lafzon Se Bik Gaye.

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    Tere Bina Dil Ko Chain Kaha Aata Hai,
    Tum Hi Ho Mere Dil Ki Dharkan,
    Tere Bina Ye Sansar Suna Suna Nazar Aata Ha

    Take Care Shayari

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    Fark hota hai kismat aur Lakir me,
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    kuch aur Accha Likha hai Takdir me

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